Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Auto Pact essays
Auto Pact essays In May of 2000 the World Trade Organization (WTO) ended the Canadian made Auto Pact. The Auto Pact was an agreement constructed by Pierre Trudeau in 1965 that allowed companies to bring auto parts and vehicles from anywhere in the world into Canada without any tariff, but with two conditions. One condition was a requirement of commitment to jobs in Canada, manufacturers had to produce one car in Canada for everyone they sold. They also had to maintain a Canadian Value Added (CVA), which basically means no depreciation on Canadian made machinery and that parts in assembly were also made in Canada. Automotive trade markets are among the most open in the world. They maintain no tariff barriers. This treaty kept North America happy however; the overseas companies were left with the shorter end of the stick. This caused the fall of the Auto Pact. The Auto Pact is too important to Canada, and Canada will suffer extreme losses.(reword) (give the main points) The 1965 Auto Pact is Canadas most successful trade agreement. We should be kissing his ass, says the wise yet youthful Jon Cooper as he refers to Trudeaus ingenious scheme. It is a building block of Canada. Since signing the Auto Pact, the Canadian automotive industry has enjoyed enormous growth. Production and automotive manufacturing employment have increased 200% and automotive shipments grew from $2.2 billion in 1964 to $70.5 billion in 1995. The main two focuses of Trudeaus were exports and employment. Trudeau increased the automotive sales from a once scarce Canadian industry into its top export. His other concern, creating employment doubled. Without the Auto Pact enforcing these numbers they will fall. The Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) president Buzz Hargrove said at the Caw Joint Council meeting in December 2000 that the Auto Pact was: A trading pact that has meant so much to the growth of the...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
mythological illusions Essay Example
mythological illusions Essay Example mythological illusions Essay mythological illusions Essay Essay Topic: Beauty and the Beast and Other Tales Durfee AP LIT 4th 19 sept 2012 Achilles Mythological Allusions BartleBy. com Achilles story begins when a prophesy is made about Troy. The only way to capture it, would be if the Greeks had Achilles help. Thetis, Achilles mother knew that if Achilles went into this battle, he would die. So she dipped him in the purest of waters by holding his heel. Then sent young Achilles to Scyros where he was hidden away and disguised as a girl. Eventually, Achilles was caught by Odysseus and agreed to go off with Odysseus to Troy. Once at Troy, Achilles was an invincible warrior. Along the ay, Achilles captured many towns in the Trojan territory. In the midst of the war, Agamemnon, leader of the Greeks, was forced by an oracle of Apollo to give up Chryseis, his own prize. He then proceeded to take Briseis from Achilles to make up for his loss. This was the central plot of the Iliad. After Briseis was taken, Achilles was enraged and refused to fght. From there on out, the war turned in the Trojans favor. Thetis gave Achilles new armor made by Hephaestus, and he returned to the war and slayed Hector. Achilles the proceeded to drag the body behind his chariot in front of Troy and refused to allow Hectors body to be properly buried. When King Priam secretly entered into the Greek camp to plead for the body, Achilles gave in and allowed him to take the body. This is one of the more intriguing parts of the Iliad as Achilles showed complete respect for Priam was the enemy. From there, Achilles went defeated many enemies and fought until finally Paris, with help from Apollo, shot Achilles with a poison arrow in the one place where he was vulnerable his heel. Commentary: This of course is where we get the expression Achilles Heel basically meaning your weakness. No matter how great you may be, youll always have a weakness, your Achilles Heel. In literature, Achilles is portrayed all over. In the television series Class of the Titans, one of the seven heroes, Archie, is descended from Achilles and has inherited both his vulnerable heel and part of his invincibility. Agamemnon Agamemnon, king of Argos, was the son of Atreus, king of Mycenae, and his wife Aerope and was the brother of Menelaus. After Atreus was murdered by his nephew Aegisthus, Agamemnon and Menelaus took refuge with Tyndareus, king of Sparta, whose daughters, Clytemnestra and Helen, they married. By Clytemnestra, Agamemnon had a son, Orestes, and three daughters, Iphigeneia, Electra, and recovered his fathers kingdom. When Paris, prince of Troy, carried off Helen, Agamemnon called on the princes of the country to unite in a war of revenge against the Trojans. He himself furnished 100 ships and was chosen commander in chief of the combined forces. The fleet was ready to set sail, but was prevented winds that were sent by the goddess Artemis because Agamemnon offended her. To appease the wrath of Artemis, Agamemnon was forced to sacrifice his own daughter Iphigeneia. After the capture of Troy, Cassandra, Paris sister, fell to Agamemnons ot in the distribution of the prizes of war. On his return he landed in Argolis, where Aegisthus had seduced Agamemnons wife, and carried out the murders of Agamemnon, his comrades, and Cassandra. As a form of revenge, Orestes murdered Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. Commentary: In most works of literature, illusions of Agamemnon are often seen as ruthless rulers and or emperors of false anger. Genesis 1 Biblical Allusions Genests 1: 1-50 In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals. And then God spoke in the darkness: Let there be light! And right away there was light. God said, From ow on, when its dark it will be night and when its light, it will be day. Then nighttime came and the night passed and then the light came back again. That was the first day. On the second day, God made the earth and over it He hung a sky. And the second day was over. The next morning God looked around and thought, the e arth needs to be a bit more organized. So, He put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another. When He finished that, God made plants to cover the land. Flowers and trees and grasses started to grow. Its looking great, said God and that was the end of the third day. On the fourth day, God looked around and thought, the daylight still needs a bit more work and the night is Just too dark. So, He made the sun to light the sky during the day and the moon and stars to add light to the night. He hung them in the sky and stepped back to look at his work. The next day, God looked at the water and created birds to fly over, and fish to swim inside. And that was the end of the fifth day. On the sixth day, God added animals to the land. He added everything from ants to zebras to the land. But He still felt something was missing. So God added Mankind to enjoy and take care of all that He ad created. After six days, the whole universe was completed. On the seventh day God had a nice long rest and enjoyed looking at all He had made. Commentary: The story of creation is over used in modern and literature of the past. Also the phrase Let there be Light! is often adopted by people of power in works of literature. The Nativity: Mathew I, Luke I Mathew Luke 1: 1-80 While Mary was still engaged to Joseph, she miraculously became pregnant through the Holy Spirit, as foretold to her by the angel Gabriel. When Mary told Joseph she was pregnant, he had every right to feel disgraced, and Joseph could ave divorced her under Jewish law, and under said law, Mary could have been put to death via stoning, but he didnt. God sent him a message via a dream and he became a rather supportive Earthly father for Jesus. Far away in the East, some men saw a new in the sky. They studied their scrolls where it said that whenever a bright new star appeared it meant that a ruler had been born. The Wise Men decided to find this new ruler. They went to Jerusalem to see King Herod, because they thought the baby would be in the palace. They asked to see the child that would be King of the Jews. The king was confused and thought this new king may take away is throne. He told them to return when they had found the baby so that he could worship the child himself. The men set off to find the baby. They were guided by the star to the stable in Bethlehem. Here they knelt down and worshipped Jesus. Joseph had a dream where an angel told him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt because King Herod had ordered that Jesus be killed. They left Bethlehem right away. When the men did not return, Herod ordered that all male children in Bethlehem be killed. They did not find Jesus. Commentary: The story of Nativity is alluded whenever a great birth of power is in effect. Beauty and the Beast Fairytales Bartleby. com A merchant lived in a mansion with his three daughters, who were all beautiful, except for one, who was more beautiful than the rest. Belle, age fourteen was a very sweet girl. When her father claimed he was travelling, she asked him to bring home a rose. He promised he would, so he traveled and was lost in a forest. In the forest, he found a castle. Inside, there was food and gifts, of which the merchant thought was for him. He ate the food and then found a rose. When he went to go pick up the rose, a beast came and told him that he was going to die. The merchant begged for his life, nd explained that the rose was for his daughter. The beast then said that he would be his prisoner, or hed have to trade with his daughter. His daughter traded places with her father and she became the beasts prisoner. Every night, the beast would ask if shed marry him, and every night shed say no. Eventually, the two fell in love and when she kissed him, he transformed into Prince Adam. Commentary: This story tells that love and beauty come in all shapes and sizes. And that no matter how you look, youd still be able to find love. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. After Oedipus left the throne, is two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, agreed to rule Thebes in alternate years. Eteocles, at the end of his first year of rule, went back on his word and refused to step down. Polynices then raised an army of traditional enemies of Thebes and led them against his city. The battle ends with the defeat of the invading army, but Eteocles and Polynices are both dead, killed by each others hand. Creon, who now assumes power in Thebes, declares that, as he was the protector of the city, Eteocles body will be properly buried, but Polynices, because he attacked the city, will be left unburied on the battlefield. Antigone decides she must disobey, arguing that a law of man which violates religious law is no law at all. She performs a ceremonial burial and demands that she will herself be buried by being sealed in a cave. Creons son, Haemon, however, is betrothed to Antigone, and protests her sentence and lectures his father on wise leadership. Creon refuses to change his mind. When the prophet Tiresias informs Creon that the gods are angry with his pronouncement concerning Polynices, he finally relents, but too late. When the cave is opened to retrieve Antigone, she has already hung herself. In his grief and anger, Haemon tries to kill Creon. He fails, and then kills himself instead. When he returned to the palace, Creon also learns that his wife, Eurydice, killed herself too when she heard what had happened. Finally, Creon is ruler over an orderly city, but he has lost everything. Antigone is Just a girl who wanted fairness and equality. She felt sorrow for Polynices because his brother was the one who betrayed the sacred promise and religious law. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite is the wife of the lame and ugly god of fire, Hephaestus. Among her lovers was Ares, god of war, who eventually became her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis. Eris, the goddess of discord, was the only goddess not invited to the wedding of King Peleus and the Thetis, and she was so angry, that she threw a golden apple into their wedding arrangement. When Zeus refused to Judge between the three goddesses who claimed the apple, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, they asked Paris, prince of Troy, to make the award. Each offered him a bribe: Hera, that he would be a powerful ruler; Athena, that he would achieve great military fame; and Aphrodite, that he should have the fairest woman in the world. Paris selected Aphrodite as the fairest and chose as his prize Helen of Troy, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus. Pariss abduction of Helen led to the Trojan War. Commentary: In Homers Iliad Aphrodite is said to be the daughter of Zeus and Dione, a Titan goddess. Other stories tell how she sprang, full-grown, from the foam of the sea near the island Cythera. From there Zephyrus, the west wind, carried her on a shell to Cyprus, which was always regarded as her real home. There the Hours met her, gave her clothes, and brought her to the gods. Every god even Zeus himself wanted this beautiful, golden goddess as his wife. Aphrodite was too proud and rejected them all. To punish her, Zeus gave her to Hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman mythology), the lame and ugly god of the forge. This good-natured craftsman built her a splendid palace on Cyprus. Aphrodite soon left him for Ares (Mars), the handsome god of war. One of their children was Eros (Cupid), the winged god of love. The Fall: Genesis 3 Genests 3: [1-10] A snake comes to Eve and convinces her to eat from the forbidden tree. The woman listens to the serpent and eats from it. She also brings some to Adam and he eats as well. Knowing theyVe sinned, they hide in the garden until God comes. Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent. God curses the serpent and promises a savior to come and crush the serpents head. Women must now endure much pain during childbirth. They will also be ruled over by their husbands. Men must now tool and work to produce food. All people will now have to die. God clothes them and forces them out of the garden. An angel with a flaming sword is placed at the garden gate to prevent anyone from returning and eating of the Tree of Life. Commentary: The story of Adam and Eve has been told so many times by thousands of works of literature. Music, Art, Books, there are too many to name. However, IVe never known hat in the original story, God punishes women via childbirth for Eves sin. Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha, were friends of Jesus. When Lazarus was sick, his sisters sent a message to Jesus, Lord, the one you love is sick. When Jesus heard the news, he waited two more days before going to Lazarus hometown of Bethany. And when Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead and in the tomb for four days. When Martha discovered that Jesus was on his way, she went out to meet him. Jesus told Martha, Your brother will rise again. But Martha thought he was talking about the final resurrection of the dead. Then Jesus said these important words: l am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Martha then went and told Mary that Jesus wanted to see her. Jesus had not yet entered the village, most likely to avoid stirring up the crowd and calling attention to himself. The town of Bethany was not far from Jerusalem where the Jewish leaders were against Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus with Mary, Martha and the rest of the Jesus. mourners. There he asked them to remove the stone that covered the hillside burial place. Jesus looked up to heaven and prayed to his Father, closing with these words: Lazarus, come out! When Lazarus came out of the tomb, Jesus told the people to remove his grave clothes. Commentary: Through the raising of Lazarus, Jesus showed the believers, and the world, that he had power over death. Many believed that Jesus was the Son of God and they put their faith in him after seeing this miracle. Cinderella After the father married the evil stepmother, the stepmother murdered him for his cash, and then used his daughter [Cinderella] as the slave of the house and spoiled her own two daughters with the cash. They practically starved the daughter and every day after she was done with her work, all she had for warmth were the cinders left in the fire place, which is where she got the nickname Cinderella because shed sleep next to the cinders. If she didnt do something fast enough, shed be whipped, just like a slave. Sometimes to earn extra money, because they could never have enough, the stepmother would rent out her daughter much like a prostitute. She was took pity on her. One day the prince held a ball and invited all the maidens in the city, except Cinderella, because the stepmother made sure no one knew she existed. Cinderella was forced to prepare her stepsisters for the ball, and if she did something wrong (like mess up their hair, slightly smudge their makeup, tie something too tight, etc. ) then shed be whipped and slapped. Eventually after the two stepsisters left for the ball and the mother left with them, Cinderella was finally alone in the house and currently did not have to do chores if she didnt want to, so she Just sat down and cried from all the pain her life caused her. The ghost of her father showed up from her tears and sat beside her, along with the ghost of her birth mother as well who had died while she was very young. Together, the spirits magically sewed together a beautiful gown for Cinderella and they healed all her scars and put makeup on her to cover her bruises and she looked absolutely beautiful. The spirits turned a pumpkin into a wondrous coach and some mice into horses and they sent her off to the ball, warning her that the magic would wear off at midnight. At the ball, everyone thought she looked absolutely stunning. But off course, since no one knew Cinderella existed, no one knew who she was. Her beauty even stunned the stepsisters and step mother and they didnt recognize her. Everyone thought she was a princess from some other kingdom. The prince was mesmerized and asked her to dance with him and they fell in love. However, the clock began to chime midnight and she quickly ran off with only a small goodbye to the prince, telling him he would never see her again. As she ran down to her enchanted coach, one of her glass slippers fell off and she tripped, but she quickly regained her footing and scrambled into the coach, which immediately set off. The prince ran down after her with her slipper which he picked up and tried to call her back so he could return it to her, but shed left out of sight. Once the stepsisters and tepmother returned home and they saw Cinderella in her rags sitting on the floor, she was violently beaten for not doing her chores. Over the next few months the prince traveled the kingdom and even out to other lands to try to find Cinderella, saying whoevers foot fit the slipper she left would be his princess. But like I said before, no one knew she existed, and when he described her, no one could tell him where she lived or who she was. He stopped by her house once, as well, but the stepmother had locked her away in her room. The stepsisters tried to fit their giant feet in the slipper but it was impossible. After a while the prince had even put out a reward for whoever could name his princess, and of course the stepmother was enthusiastic about money, so she planned to bring Cinderella to him and collect the money, but then she would murder her afterwards and say shed had a terrible disease that the stepsisters also shared, and they were very poor and if they had enough money to afford medicine then her two other daughters could be saved, so she would collect donations from the kingdom for more money. However, after Cinderella married the prince she told him about her stepmothers plan and she was caught in the act. She was later hung for murdering the father and for attempted murder of Cinderella. The two stepsisters were banned from the kingdom for torturing Cinderella. Commentary: her name actually came from the cinders she slept by, and I suppose you could say she and the prince lived happily ever after once all the death and money was out of the way. Atlas The story of Atlas tells a Titan whose punishment after the battle between the Gods, was to lift the sky forever and eternity. One day, Hercules came to see Atlas for some help finding some Golden Apples. Atlas, bearer of the sky, knew exactly where hey were, and knowing that Hercules was immensely strong, told him to hold the sky for a few hours while Atlas went to fetch the Golden Apples. When Atlas came back with the apples, Hercules complained and said, Who would come back to such a Job like this? Atlas knew he could run away and forever be free. But Hercules tricked him and said to hold up the sky for a quick second while he put a pad on his shoulder. As soon as Atlas held the sky again, Hercules ran away, along with the Golden Apples. The Story of Atlas isnt very known. However through this assignment, Ive learned that maps have adopted the name Atlas from Mythology. Atlas, being the bearer of the Sky, knows where everything is. It only makes sense to call an atlas after Atlas. Cupid and Psyche Venuss son Cupid (or Eros) is the God of Love. He is the one responsible for the relationships that take place on Earth. One day, Venus was enraged by the beauty of Psyche, a mortal, and demanded Eros go to her room, and shoot her with one of his Golden Arrows and Venus would place a beast in her room. As soon as he went to her room, she woke up, and Eros scratched himself with one of his arrows, causing him to fall deeply in love with her. Enraged, Venus made it so that shed never fall in love with anyone. As payback, Eros stopped shooting his Golden Arrows, forcing the world to turn vile and old, also causing Venus power to shrivel. Venus eventually gave in, but her curse still stayed with Psyche. Cupid eventually broke the curse, and was able to fall deeply in love with her. I never knew that Cupids real name was Eros, and I also had no idea that Cupid was capable of loving someone. I thought he was Just unlovable, and that was why he made everyone else fall in love. Noah was a good man who lived with unbelievers/extremely ungodly. God saw the evil and told Noah to build a great ark for the animals (two of each; male and emale) and his family. Anyone who would see him build the ark and believe could come aboard and be saved from the flood, but no one did. It took many years to build and they had plenty of time to believe. They were warned, but only mocked and so they perished in the flood. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. When it was over God put the rainbow in the sky and told Noah this was a symbol of His promise never to destroy the whole earth with a flood again. Noah and his family came out of the ark onto dry ground and worshiped God immediately. The Story of Noah and the Ark is well known through literature. It is also portrayed in ovies such as Evan Almighty, where Evan is given the same task as Noah was, except more modernized. The Last Supper John 13 Mark 14 The Last Supper tells the story of how Jesus brings together the disciples and eats together with them. During the supper, Jesus holds up a piece of bread from a loaf and claims, This is my body which I have given for you, Eat it! And he does so again with the wine, This is my blood from which I have given up for you, Drink it! however, the moral is the same. The purpose of the Last Supper was to introduce the sacrament, and it is practiced every Sunday by all Christians.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Tea Party. The impact of the rise of the Tea Party on the American Essay
The Tea Party. The impact of the rise of the Tea Party on the American political landscape - Essay Example The initial stimulus for the beginning of the Tea Party was by Rick Santelli who worked in CNBC and he has been labeled by many as the initiator of the Tea Party. This is owing to the fact that he openly opposed the mortgage plan that was signed by the President after taking office in 2009 on air and this fuelled many protesters and groups to gather and initiate this movement. Different support groups of the Tea Party formed and worked throughout the country to present their points (Williamson et al 25, 37). The Tea Party laid a great initial impact on the political landscape of the United States owing to the great support that it received but the affectivity of the movement has greatly reduced over the years owing to the lack of proper leadership and unity as well as the changing manifestos. In the year 2009, the support for the Tea Party greatly increased and polls revealed that up to 300,000 residents of the United States took part in the organized protests. Different organization s registered under the flag of Tea Party to show their support for this movement. These included The Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, The Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Nation. Such was the success of the Tea Party and its motif that by the end of the year 2009, political candidates who were associated with the Tea Party won 39 out of the total 129 seats of the United States House of Representatives and five seats in the Senate. These victories clearly demonstrated the political effect of the Tea Party on the American political landscape (Williamson et al 37, 38). The motives for which this movement began were mainly to reduce the federal government and at the same fight against the loopholes in the healthcare policies. The Tea Party also lobbied against the high amount of taxes and the mortgage plan and also demanded the resolving of issues including unemployment as well as the lower level of representation of the common public in the government (Gabriel; Williamson et al 32). The groups that formed under the flag of the Tea Party indicate the fact that they are mainly putting forward ââ¬Å"the voice of the true owners of the United Statesâ⬠that is of the residents of the country. They indicate that they are following in the footsteps of the people who brought about the revolution known as the Boston Tea Party in the year 1773 and thus they refer to their movement as the Tea Party as well. They indicate the fact that they are fighting for their country and fulfilling the dreams of the founding fathers of the United States and trying to uphold the constitution of the country. They argue that the Constitution is to be truly followed and the freedom of the people is not to be invaded by the governing bodies. They present the fact that the common man should be represented in the governing offices so that their problems are properly solved. Furthermore, they also argue that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to enter the country and proper b udgeting schemes should be devised for the benefits of the common man and taxes should be reduced to minimum (The Tea Party). The Tea Party movement has been a center of controversy. It has its own supporters but opposing groups present the fact that the success of the Tea Party is not very high and it has greatly reduced over the years. Furthermore, it is also explained by the oppositionists that the Tea Party does not represent all the people of the country but it rather represents only a few groups and races. This was indicated by a survey that was conducted by the CBS News and the New York Times. This survey was conducted in the year
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How to manage a country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How to manage a country - Essay Example There is dire need for establishment of various research projects in China that would focus on management of domestic e-waste through lifecycle analysis of electronic products and modern treatment technologies (Wang et al., 49). According to survey done by StEP in the year 2012, the government of China is expected to play a pivotal role in the planning, organizing, regulating, monitoring and implementation of different formal collection and recycling of e-waste initiatives within the country. The support from the government is necessary for the purposes of influence and development of e-waste recycling industry. Additionally, there is need to consider some of the most critical issues related to environmental e-waste management such as establishment of collection channels, designing rules safeguarding legislation and subsidies, establishing appropriate conditions on recycling standards and license management. However, the efficiency in e-waste management can be achieved through cooperation from international organizations that assists in establishment of state-of-the-art technologies in treatment and appropriate management strategies and policies. Moreover, the government requires heavy investment in scienti fic research that plays important role in definition of problem and assessment of the impacts (Wang et al., 49). There has been illegal export of e-waste to China and this has led to overwhelming consequences on available e-waste recycling sites within the country. Therefore, this calls for elaborate understanding of the quantities and flows of different used electronics within the country. Therefore, the initiative on e-waste management is necessary for the country since there is unclear channel concerning the amount of e-waste generated in China and inflows from international field, and their ultimate destinations. Understanding of the material flows and various actors within formal and informal sector is crucial to ensure efficiency
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Animal Rights Opinion Essay Essay Example for Free
Animal Rights Opinion Essay Essay To have a liable viewpoint on the topic of Animal Rights, one must practically have the abilities of a well-practiced philosopher. You must be able to fully evaluate the characteristics of every possible relationship, good or bad, between man and his fellow members of the Animal Kingdom, and their potential outcomes. You must also decide if you believe in human exceptionalism, that is, whether or not we are equal to animals. ââ¬Å"A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. â⬠Says Ingrid Newkirk, head of PETA, in 2003, ââ¬Å"They are all mammalsâ⬠. Other individuals, however, such as Wesley J. Smith (2010), believe that this attitude will devalue the ââ¬Å"the unique status of humansâ⬠. Everyone has their own take on this topic, and, if we resolve this in a civilized and orderly fashion, we can potentially have a perfect balance between humans and the worldââ¬â¢s diverse flora and fauna. Across the globe, there are hundreds of organizations that are constantly fighting for the equality of animals, and the elimination of their mistreatment. Some of the bigger names include the World Wildlife Fund, (WWF), and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These groups rally, lobby, and petition against criminal acts against practically every species of animal, and believe you me they have their hands full! In some laboratories, primates are being rigorously forced through difficult tests, and on some farming facilities belonging to todayââ¬â¢s big corporations, such as the large restaurant chain known as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), animals are being harvested in an inhumane manner. Among the worst cases is the solicitation of ââ¬Å"crush filmsâ⬠, in which puppies and small, cute animals are ââ¬Å"slowly crushed or impaled by women wearing heels,â⬠reports David Michael (2010). These videos were banned in 1999 by the Supreme Court, until the federal law had overreached, and the law was overturned. These acts are clear examples of cruelty towards animals, and can never be truly justified. If we take the rights steps, in a warranted and honest manner, then we can stop animal abuse, and save future species from an unruly and unjustified future as slaves to man-kind. There also exists a whole other group of people who believe that life is just a game of the survival of the fittest, which is similar to the point of view of Wesley J. Smith, author of A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: Theà Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement. He, and many others, believe that ââ¬Å"valuing humans over animals is a form of discriminationâ⬠against humans, which he describes in his new book published in 2010. He also tells us that giving animals the same legal status takes away from who we are, as the dominant species of Earth. I personally, do not believe this is completely true. We moved these creatures out of their homes to build our houses and buildings, and then polluted them with the carbon outputs of our cities and towns. This makes it our responsibility to help them find new homes any way we can. On the other hand, he did mention something I could partially relate to. ââ¬Å"Humans do indeed have a moral obligation to promote animal welfare, but they are also entitled to use animals, particularly if the use of animals alleviates human suffering.â⬠I can get behind this statement to some extent. There are hundreds of scientists using animals to research possible cures for certain diseases that affect thousands of humans daily. However, harming these animals would be completely unacceptable. We could use alternative solutions, like observing animals in their natural habitats, if possible, and study them there, or at least let them go, unharmed, after the experiment is completed. Although many groups and individuals are taking the right steps to put an end to this epidemic, not everyone likes to play by the rules. There have been numerous cases of arson, theft, and animal right activists terrorizing companies that test on animals. In fact, ââ¬Å"fifty-one out of fifty-eight of the incidents of domestic terrorism identified in the FBIââ¬â¢s report Terrorism 2002-2005 were suspected to have been perpetrated by animal rights activists,â⬠claims Smith (2010). ââ¬Å"Which is surprisingly violent for its (animal rights movement) allegedly non-violent goals,â⬠agrees David Michael (2010). Some of the more extreme cases include lighting entire laboratories on fire, death threats, and, in 2007, a researcherââ¬â¢s children being sent HIV-infected needles in the mail. Even PETA is not completely innocent of such acts. In 1995, they donated over $45 000 to the defense funds of Rodney Coronado, who was guilty of burning down a Michigan State laboratory. PETA finds these are ââ¬Å"acceptable crimesâ⬠¦when used for the animal cause,â⬠says Alex Pacheco, a co-founder of PETA. They also compared animal cruelty to the Holocaust in one of their many campaigns, to get their message across crystal clear, which offended many members of the public, and therefore raised many eyebrows. I believe that we must find wasà to eliminate animal abuse with this ââ¬Ëmilitaristicââ¬â¢ component. In conclusion, I believe that, a long time ago, before man first started his evolutionary track, a balance of rights and respect between our kind and the rest of the worldââ¬â¢s fauna existed. However, as we evolved, this balance shifted into our favor. We became the dominant exception in the Animal Kingdom, removing inferior species from their homes, either by enslaving or killing them. This behavior is unacceptable, and must be stopped, because of its excessive injustice towards animals. I also believe that organizations like PETA are on the right track. In order to make change, we have to fight for it, but to certain extents. Arson and burglary are deplorable, and will only make the problem even worse. We must deal with these issues in a civilized and organized manner. Burning laboratories simply wonââ¬â¢t do. Once these steps are taken, and if we are able to treat animals with the respect and value, we will be able to coexist in harmony with the rest of the Animal Kingdom, and the balance we once had can be restored. Works Cited Michael, D. (2010, July 21st). Animal Spirits. Retrieved July 30th, 2010, from the Book:
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Pearl by John Steinbeck :: The Pearl John Steinbeck
The Pearl by John Steinbeck à à à à à The Pearl by John Steinbeck. This book takes place in Mexico during the nineteen hundreds in the city of La Paz. à à à à à The main characters are Kino an Indian pearl diver who finds the magnificent pearl and whose life is partially destroyed by this pearl. Juana is Kino's wife and faithful partner and she is obedient and devoted to her family. Coyotito is Kino and Juana's infant son he is bitten by a scorpion and recovers miraculously only to be later killed by a bullet. à à à à à The theme of this book is not to let greed or money to get in the way of you or your family. Greed is a destructive force and if not controlled it will effect you a lot maybe even forever, like the death of Kinoââ¬â¢s son Coyotito. Another theme is fate because fate was a major aspect to why Kino did not succeed in his dreams of having a luxurious life. When Kino discovered the Pearl he thought that it would take him out of poverty and into a life of happiness. The pearl was not meant for anyone to find, and the finding of one was luck, ââ¬Å"a little pat on the back by God.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à The problem in this story is that Kino is trying to sell his pearl and every one bids a low price. That means he keeps it longer and everyone is trying to steal it from him. The conflict is man vs. man the reason why is that a lot of people are trying to steal it from him the day he got it. It went to the point that people were tracking him for it and attacking him in his sleep. à à à à à I hated it when Kino went pearl diving and found the ââ¬Å"pearl of the world,â⬠and started making a scene. When you find something very valuable like that you keep that a secret and under ground. When you make a discovery with something valuable like that you do not deal in front of an audience you do it privately.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pros and Cons of Risk Management Essay
1.0 The pros of risk management Maintaining competitiveness Adverse changes in interest and exchange rates may reduce the competitive position of a company against those with lower levels of gearing or smaller exchange rate exposures, or compared with companies that have taken the precaution of hedging against rate changes. Reduction of bankruptcy risk Adverse movements in interest and exchange rates may jeopardize the continued operation of a company. A classic example is that of a highly geared company with a large proportion of floating rate debt being forced into bankruptcy due to an increase in interest rate. Restructuring of capital obligations Interest rate hedging instruments can be used to restructure a companyââ¬â¢s capital profile by altering the nature of its interest obligations, thereby avoiding the repayment of existing debt or the issuing of new securities. In consequence, considerable savings can be made in respect of call fees and issue costs. At the same time, a wider range of financial sources becomes available to the company. Reducing in the volatility of corporate cash flows Reducing the volatility of net cash flows may increase the market rating of the company and will facilitate the process of forward planning. 2.0 The cons of risk management The complicated nature of hedging instruments A combination of unfamiliarity with the range of hedging methods available and a belief by potential users that such methods are complex may result in treasurers choosing not to hedge exchange and interest rate exposures. The risks associated with using external hedging instruments The perceived risk associated with in using hedging instruments can sometimes dissuade potential users. Instead of providing protection from steeply increasing interest rates, the transactions turned out to be highly speculative bets. The complicated tax and financial reporting treatments of derivatives The accounting and tax treatment of derivatives has tended to lag behind the pace of their development owing to the dynamic nature of their markets. The major problem regarding the accounting treatment of derivatives is knowing exactly what information to disclose and how to disclose it. Diversification by shareholders may be superior to hedging An alternative to hedging by individual companies is for shareholders to diversify away interest and exchange rate risk themselves by holding a diversified portfolio of shares, hence saving the costs associated with hedging at a corporate level. If shareholders hold diversified portfolios, some commentators argue that hedging of exposures by individual companies is motivated purely by managementââ¬â¢s desire to safeguard their jobs, rather than a desire to enhance shareholder wealth. 3.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, exchange rate risk and interest rate risk can be managed by the use of both internal and external techniques. Internal techniques allow companies to hedge risk within their own balance sheet by the way in which they structure their assets and liabilities. Alternatively, companies can employ one or more of the many external techniques now available, such as swaps, options, futures and forwards. While these derivative instruments give more scope and flexibility to companies to manage their risk, their associated costs and their complicated nature must be taken into account.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Classic Pen Case
ACC 341 Classic Pen Case Assignment You should hand in one page of analysis and two sets of supporting calculation. The first supporting calculation is an ABC system for Classic Pen, constructed by filling in the blanks in the following table. First allocate the total expenses in each row to the various activities, based on information in the case. Then choose a cost driver and calculate the rate per unit of the cost driver. Activities Schedule & Handle Production RunsSet up MachinesKeep Product RecordsRun MachinesTotal Expenses Indirect labor & related fringes14,00011,2002,800$28,000* Computer systems$8,000$2,000$10,000 Machinery8,000$ 8,000 Maintenance4,000$ 4,000 Energy2,000$ 2,000 Total activity costs22,00011,2004,80014,000 52,000 Cost driver# of runsSetup timeDL HoursMachine Hours Total quantity of cost driver150 runs (Exhibit 2)526 hours200010,000 Allocation rate per unit of cost driver146. 6721. 292. 401. 40 *This includes half of the $16,000 fringe benefits. The other half is associated with direct labor ââ¬â donââ¬â¢t forget to include it in your ABC income statement! The second supporting calculation is an ABC income statement showing sales revenue minus each type of direct and indirect cost assigned to the four pen types. Add two lines at the bottom of the income statement: one line shows the operating profit per unit for each type of pen based on your ABC calculations, and the other line shows the operating profit per unit based on the traditional-income calculations in Exhibit 1 of the case. The analysis consists of answers to the following questions (about one-half page each). a)Your ABC analysis should show that purple pens are very unprofitable, while blue pens earn most of the factoryââ¬â¢s profits. One of the managers at Classic Pen questions your analysis, saying, ââ¬Å"I canââ¬â¢t believe thereââ¬â¢s that much difference in profit per unit between the blue and purple pens. Purple pens sell for ten cents more than blue pens, and material costs are only five cents higher. Labor and machine-hour costs are exactly the same, setup time per run is the same, and we only do twelve production runs for purple pens, compared to 50 for blue pens. So how can the profits be that different? Write a paragraph explaining why per-unit profit is so much lower for purple than for blue pens. In the traditional income statement, overhead costs and indirect labor costs were not linked to the specific products that used them in the process of producing them. They were simply allocated to each uniquely colored pen by the amount of sales they generated, which didnââ¬â¢t take into account the amount of money and time that was spent on making them. This caused direct labor costs to be spread out among the products, regardless of how much the cost of producing them was. In the second income statement that was created in the problem, instead of basing these costs on sales they were based upon certain drivers, such as the number of runs and the amount of time preparing the machine and reports done for each product. This helped to allocate the costs of indirect labor and overhead specifically to the products that were using these resources, helping to give a more realistic picture of the revenue generated for a certain color pen versus the costs spent making them. The purple pens had high quality standards that they had to meet, which required a large amount of time spent on preparing the machines for their runs. It is this relatively large amount spent on indirect labor for purple pens, not the material costs, that causes them to turn such a lower profit than the blue pens. (b)The current overhead allocation rate at Classic is 300% of direct labor. A few years ago it was only about 200%. In the Bridgeton case we saw the overhead rate going up because products were dropped, and volume (and direct labor) went down while fixed overhead costs remained. But that is clearly not the case here! At Classic, new products have been added, and production volumes have gone up. If overhead costs are variable, the increase in volume and direct labor would increase total overhead costs but not the overhead rate. If overhead costs are fixed, the increase in volume and direct labor would leave total overhead costs unchanged and decrease the rate. So how can it be that the overhead rate has been increasing at Classic? Write a concise explanation. When Classic only had two different colored pens, overhead allocation rate was much lower because the number of direct labor hours making the products was lower than when the new products were added. As stated in the case, the amount of time spent on preparing the machines for producing the blue colored ink for pens was less demanding than that of purple or red. For the black colored ink used in the pens, the amount of direct labor spent preparing the machines was nearly non-existent because the vats didnââ¬â¢t need much cleaning out after switching from blue ink, as it did not really affect the quality of the ink color. By adding just two more ink colors, red and purple, the number of direct labor hours significantly increased, which also increased the overhead rate because production was largely increased. The additional colors increased the number of times the vats needed to be emptied out in order to make and produce all the different colors of ink, which added on to the direct labor hours. The red and purple inks also did not disguise residual ink left in the vat nearly as well as the black ink could, so not only were the emptying the vats more often, they were spending a great deal more time cleaning them out in order to meet the color quality standards needed in order to sell the pens.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Materials of Logistics in Management Essay Essays
Materials of Logistics in Management Essay Essays Materials of Logistics in Management Essay Essay Materials of Logistics in Management Essay Essay The efficiency of any fabricating administration depends on the handiness of constituent parts and stuffs in the proper measure. quality. monetary value. scope and clip. Failure in any of these countries increases costs and decreases net income every bit surely as outmoded production methods or uneffective merchandising techniques. This simple but obvious point has merely late come to be decently understood. This book presents the rules. methods and schemes that represent the modern attack to stuffs direction in all sectors of the economic system. In analyzing concern operations. the phrase ââ¬Å"Value-added concept1? is frequently used to characterize the difference between the cost of constituent stuffs and the merchandising monetary value of the finished merchandise. This difference in value represents the alone part of each administration to the production procedure. Many companies produce component parts and stuffs for other houses fabricating specialized merchandises Remanded by the clients. On an norm. a fabrication house buys somewhat more than half of the rupee value of its gross revenues. In other words. the value added is typically less than 50 per cent of its gross revenues. Conversely. the mean company purchases stuffs valued at more than half of what it sells. Therefore. a firmââ¬â¢s net income is to a big extent determined by how efficaciously it procures and manages these stuffs. The organizational attack known as stuffs direction has gained cogency in recent old ages. Production and operations directors found it necessary to develop an organized organic structure of cognition related to be aftering. acquisition and use of stuffs in the procedure of production and it has resulted in the subject known as ââ¬Å"mate-rials managementâ⬠. All activities involved in conveying stuffs into and through the works are combined under one caput known as ââ¬Å"materials managerâ⬠. By giving the stuffs director overall authorization. duty is centralised to guarantee that the overall cost of stuffs is kept at the lowââ¬â¢est possible degree. The basic principle for this organizational alteration is to get the better of the jobs of conflicting aims. For cample. purchase departmentââ¬â¢s concern to guarantee uninterrupted supply of component stuffs may conflict with he inventory control departmentââ¬â¢s objective to understate stock list degrees or the aim of transportation in full auto burden tonss. Today administrations view procurance as a professional activity including activities involved in obtaining stuffs at minimal cost. transporting them and supplying storage and traveling toward the production procedure. It besides includes economic analysis of supply ( i. e. . purchase economic sciences ) . demand and monetary values and the appraisal of international events that affect stuffs. * development of stuffs direction Historically. the five ââ¬ËMââ¬â¢s of fabrication houses viz. Men. Materials. Machines. Money and Methods have shifted their places from clip to clip in their comparative importance. In the early yearss of industrialisation. the focal point was on work forces ( labor ) as they were the chief beginning of productive power. Over a period of clip. the accent shifted towards machines. which became the chief beginning of industrial power after the Industrial Revolution. As the methods of production became more and more complex due to the increased client demand for sophisticated merchandises of high quality. there was greater demand of efficient direction to pull off the complex production systems. In the early 1920s. buying and keeping stock of stuffs was the duty of buying directors or ââ¬Å"chief accountants of buying and storesâ⬠in many industries. During and instantly after World War II the focal point shifted on assorted maps associated with stuffs such as buying. receiving. inspecting. hive awaying. continuing. managing. publishing. accounting. transporting and disposing excess and disused stuffs. These maps grouped under one common caput known as stuffs director and the section responsible for all these activities came to be known as ââ¬Å"materials direction departmentâ⬠. But the caput of stuffs direction section performed a staff map to back up the production section and had to describe to the production caput ( manager of production ) in the organisational hierarchy. The oil crisis of the 1970ââ¬â¢s changed the precedences of industries all over the universe. The extortionate hiking in oil monetary values and the heavy budget allotments on oil made the industries to command their outgo on the inputs. chiefly stuffs of all sorts because of the big range to cut down the disbursals on stuffs. Since the beginning of twentieth century. stuffs have been acquiring more and more attending and will go on to make so in the hereafter besides. Now a yearss stuff has* become an of import and inevitable input of a production system since the cost of stuffs and cost on stuffs ( cost incurred in buying and hive awaying the stuffs ) put together history for 50 to 85 % of the production cost depending on the nature of the merchandise and the type of the production system. Modern fabrication administrations adopted systems attack to direction. which resulted in the incorporate stuffs direction construct. All maps related to stuffs such as stuffs be aftering. buying. storing and stock list control were integrated under stuffs direction map. The place of the caput of the incorporate stuffs direction section was elevated to be on par with caputs of other functional countries viz. production. finance and human resources. * importance of stuffs in fabrication administrations Materials are any trade goods used straight or indirectly in bring forthing a merchandise or service such as natural stuffs. constituent parts. assemblies and supplies. In the fabrication administrations. the of import inputs are referred to as 5 Ms viz. Men ( Labour ) . Machines. Money. Materials and Methods. The comparative importance among these five Multiple sclerosiss have shifted from clip to clip. In the beginning of industrialization the focal point was on machines. work forces ( labor ) and methods. but from around 1970 onwards the accent is on stuffs. Material is an of import and inevitable input Gb J production system since the cost of stuffs and cost on stuffs ( cost incurred in buying and hive awaying the stuffs ) put together history for 50 to 85ââ¬â¢* of the production cost depending on the nature of the merchandise and the type of the production system * importance of stuffs direction Management of stuffs in most administrations is important to their success because the cost of buying. hive awaying. traveling and transporting stuffs account for over half of the productââ¬â¢s cost. Bettering productiveness is a important factor in confronting the challenge of competition and this involves driving down the cost of all facets of concern activities. Since there is maximal range of cost decrease in the country of stuffs. making the occupation of efficient and effectual direction of stuffs is seen as the key to higher productiveness.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Essay on Solubility FLR
Essay on Solubility FLR Essay on Solubility FLR I. Which Solute Is More Soluable? II. Introduction: Question: Which two substances (sodium chloride and sodium nitrate) have the most solubility? Hypothesis: If we dissolve the two substances separately in water, then the sodium chloride will dissolve more because the ions in the solid is so strong that only highly polar solvents like water dissolve the sodium chloride well (NaCl). Background Information: Solubility: the rate at which a solute dissolves in a solvent. Saturated: contains as much as can be dissolved in the solvent. Solute: substances that are dissolved in the solvent. Solvent: heterogeneous mixture in which particles are dispersed through a fluid but not dissolved in it. NaCl: (Sodium Chloride) Represents 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride The attraction between the NA+ and the Cl- ions in the solid is so strong that only highly polar solvents like water dissolve NaCl well. When dissolved in water, the sodium chloride framework disintegrates as the Na+ and Cl- ions become surrounded by the polar water molecules. The chloride ions are strongly solvated, each being surrounded by an average of 6 molecules of water. NaNo3: (Sodium Nitrate) White solid, very soluable in water Sodium nitrate is also synthesized industrially by neutralizing nitric acid with sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate Sodium nitrate was used extensively as a fertilizer and a raw material for the manufacture of gunpowder in the late 19th century. ****(Information for Sodium Chloride and Sodium Nitrate came from Wikipedia) III. Materials/Illustration: Test Tubes (2-4) Rubber Stoppers (2-4) 10 ml H2O (cold tap water) Graduated Cylinder Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Sodium Nitrate (NaNo3) Test Tube Holder/Rack Scale (Electronic Balance) Scoops Pipette (optional) IV. Variables Independent (manipulated) The substances: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Sodium Nitrate (NaNo3) Dependent (responding) Grams of Solute Constant (control) Amount of H2O (water), Amount of shakes (80 shakes) V. Procedures: 1. Gather materials (from the materials list) 2. Set up lab on a flat surface as shown in the diagram/illustration. 3. Use the scale (electronic balance; already tared) to weight the container of the Sodium Chloride (NaCl). 4. Record the mass of the container into your data table under ââ¬Å"Initial Massâ⬠for Sodium Chloride. 5. Fill the graduated cylinder with exactly 10 ml. of cold tap water from the sink. After, record the volume into your data table under ââ¬Å"Volumeâ⬠. 6. Pour the contents (10ml. cold tap water) from the graduated cylinder into one of the test tubes. 7. Using the scoop/scooper, place 2-3 scoops of the Sodium Chloride into the test tube. 8. Use the rubber stopper to cover the top of the test tube. 9. Holding your thumb or finger over the rubber stopper, shake the test tube 80 times. 10. Check the test tube to see if the Sodium Chloride has dissolved by holding the test tube horizontally and rolling it to see if there are any particles left. 11. Repeat steps #7 - #10 until the substance inside the test tube becomes saturated. Meaning, that it contains as much Sodium Chloride as can be dissolved in water. (the Sodium Chloride can no longer be dissolved in the solvent and small particles/grains start to show) 12. Once your substance is saturated, take the container of your Sodium Chloride and place it on the scale (electronic balance; already tared). 13. Record the mass of the container into your data table under ââ¬Å"Final Massâ⬠. 14. Repeat steps #3 - #13 for 2 more trials. 15. Once you are done with all three trials for the Sodium Chloride, Repeat steps #3 ââ¬â 13 for Sodium Nitrate. VI. Observations and Data: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Trials
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Philosophy, Enlightenment and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Philosophy, Enlightenment and Education - Essay Example curriculum is designed and committed to use learning as a tool to stimulate and encourage the best attainable academic progress and results for all students. However, as Aristotle argues, attaining high grades is not the only measure of successful learning. Students at the early learning stages should not be subjected to tests because moral values and character states cannot be assessed through exams. They should, rather, be encouraged to achieve character by practice before intellectual skills are taught. For every subject in each key stage, the study programmes lay out what the students must be taught while the achievement targets lay out the performance standards expected of the students. However, the performance standards do not give any provisions for students with their own views. It would not be right for students to score low marks, denoting a failure, simply because they gave their own views on their understanding of what they have been taught. The curriculum should give roo m for finding a relationship between the learnersââ¬â¢ ideas and what is stipulated in the standards. Conversely, its rigidity may only succeed in creating a block of stereotyped knowledge, not considering the flexibility of the learnersââ¬â¢ minds. It is only through training mental skills and giving ways of discovery that the aim of making achieving and progressive learners can be achieved. Otherwise, the curriculum is biased towards handing over instruction and thus, presupposed knowledge. It is then up to the teachers to organise their individual curricula and available technology to target individual studentsââ¬â¢ experience, interests and strengths. The aim of creating confident students, as per the curriculum, assesses confidence by the studentsââ¬â¢ ability to meet standards. However, confidence cannot be correctly judged by meeting preset standards. A display of confidence would be more accurate if students knowingly followed what they understood from the instru ctions given, rather
Friday, November 1, 2019
Study Shakespeare's Hamlet and Webster's White Devil to compare the Essay
Study Shakespeare's Hamlet and Webster's White Devil to compare the ways that women in the plays are victims of male pride. Cri - Essay Example Among the female characters of William Shakespeare the role of Ophelia is supreme. She is considered as the most fragile character in his heroines. The attributes of Ophelia are far in high whereas the other female character in the play, Gertrude does not get much acclaim. The character Vittoria in The White Devil has been put to many comments. For many she is considered as the white devil in the play. As the other female characters of the play carry the attributes of innocence and good heartedness the chief lady, Vittoria is remarked for her wisdom, courage and harshness. The present essay tries to make an analysis on the female characters in these two plays. Further, a study is being conducted on the females as victims of male pride in these two plays. True, the Elizabethan and Jacobean attitudes of considering the females are also seen in these plays. As females they had to undergo male dominance and male chauvinism which caused the tragedy of the women characters vividly in these two. Women characters in the play Hamlet: The major women characters who enriched the play, Hamlet are Ophelia, the lover of Prince Hamlet and Gertrude, mother of prince Hamlet. The King of Denmark is killed by Claudius, his own brother and the uncle of prince Hamlet who later marries the former queen, Gertrude. It really infuriates prince Hamlet who was well aware of the plot of his uncle. The ghost of the King Hamlet appears before his son Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus reveals the story of his tragedy. The thoughts of revenge engulf in the mind of young Hamlet and the whole play is centred on his revenge against his uncle Claudius who killed his father and married his mother. The five long acts of the play tells his attempts to take revenge on his uncle and in the meanwhile it can be seen that Ophelia, the daughter of Polonius, the trusted courtier of Claudius is making love with Hamlet. The suffering of Ophelia begins when Hamlet mistakenly kills Polonius by thinking it as Clau dius. She becomes mad due to her fatherââ¬â¢s death and moreover at the rejection of Hamlet and commits suicide. Christy Desmet (1999, p.11) makes clear assessment about the character of Ophelia when he writes, ââ¬Å"Ophelia is a cipher, or a ââ¬Å"plot deviceâ⬠or pawn used by her father, her lover and Shakespeare himself; at most she seems a ââ¬Å"sacrifice to the general meaninglessness and loneliness pervading the play.â⬠The words of Gabriel A. Rieger (2009, p. 47) is also notable when he remarked thus; ââ¬Å"Ophelia is an inversion to the prince.â⬠Laertes, the brother of Ophelia is ravaged to take revenge on Hamlet and in the final scene it can be seen that the sword of Laertes is poisoned as instructed by Claudius and again a cup of bowl filled with poison was made ready for Hamlet. Meanwhile Gertrude drinks the cup for Hamlet and dies and she at the time of death announces the evil works of her present husband. Laertes wounds Hamlet and is himself woun ded by the poisoned sword. When Laertes is seen dying he tells all about the plans of Claudius and at the end Hamlet stabs Claudius and makes him drink the poison prepared by himself. Thus in the final scene of the play a series of murders can be seen. Gertrudeââ¬â¢s death is seen a part of her husbandââ¬â¢s folly. Horatio, a friend of Hamlet becomes a witness to all the disgraceful acts that happened at the final scene. Two main characters in the play, Ophelia and
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