Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Preference of Music and its relationship to Culture, Personality, Annotated Bibliography

The Preference of Music and its relationship to Culture, Personality, and Mental Health - Annotated Bibliography Example The study indicates that there is a difference in the preference of culture, and the more one is familiar with the music you tend to like it. Furthermore, someone’s peer might affect the preference of music but it depends on his or her age. This source is important because it analyses the same subject that I want to write about. The author is writing detailed information about his research, with supporting tables and statistic numbers. The source is considered long but with credible information that is gathered from highly accurate measure called Continuous Response Digital Interface (CRDI). The paragraphs are organized with subtitles and celerity stating the facts and evidences. The objective of this study is to investigate if the preferred music can affect listener’s behaviors, self-harm, and drug use. It surveys and discusses the relevant literature on music preference and audience music listening behaviors, and their links ones mental health. It states that different genres of music have a different impact of antisocial and drug use in listeners, and it provides example regarding each genre. Also, it studies the link between music preference and suicide; it shows that music can indicate emotional tendencies to suicide but not a cause to it. Moreover, it describes listeners personalities depending on which music they prefer. For instance, it gives an established relationship between rap music and antisocial behaviors, vulnerability to suicide and drug use. The author uses events that have happened in the past to bring out the relationship existing between rap music for example and drug abuse for example, teens instigating a school shooting. This article is helpful in my work since it looks at the effects of the behaviors that might arise from lyrics incorporated in the music and how it is transforming our culture. The article talks about how we react to music and how it affects our

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